
Pasta dough

  • 00 Flour - 2 cups

  • 4 Eggs

  • Salt

  • Semolina Flour


  • Butter - 1 stick

  • Parmigiano Reggiano - 80 gr

  • Lemon Juice - 2 tsp

  • Lemon Zest - To taste

  • Salt & Pepper - to taste


1.On a clean work surface, and form a well in the center. Add the eggs and yolks, and use a fork to stir them together.

2.While stirring, slowly start incorporating some flour from the wall of the well, working little by little until you’re able to add all the flour and form a dough.

3.Form the dough into a ball, and set it aside on your work surface or on a baking sheet. Drape a kitchen towel or sheet of plastic wrap over the top to keep the surface of the dough from drying out while the dough rests.

4.Let rest for 30 minutes. Then uncover the dough, cut it into four equal pieces, and place one piece on a lightly floured work surface.

5. In a large bowl, stir together the lobster, ricotta, lemon zest, lemon juice, salt and pepper

6.Divide the pasta dough into quarters and lightly dust with flour to keep the pasta from sticking as needed. Sprinkle the semolina over the pasta sheets and leave them to dry for a couple of minutes. In the meantime, bring some salted water to the boil in a saucepan, to cook the fettuccine. Once the pasta is dry, take a sheet and wrap it around itself from the shorter side, taking care not to press, so that the overlapping layers do not stick together. When you succeed in making a regular shaped cylinder, cut into roughly 4 mm thick slices using a knife . Unroll the slices, holding them by one end roll the resulting fettuccine around your hand to form a nest and leave them to rest on the work top; proceed in the same way with the rest of the pasta sheets. When the fettuccine are ready, cook them in the water which will have come to the boil by now

7. As the pasta cooks, it'll only take 2-3 minutes, prepare the sauce: melt the butter on a very low flame in a 12 inch pan. Add a ladle of pasta cooking water: the starch it contains will help you create an even creamier condiment. Drain the fettuccine and place them in the pan with the butter, add another ladle of cooking water and briefly saute, stirring rapidly all the while. Now remove from the heat and add the grated Parmigiano Reggiano ; last of all, season with a pinch of salt 23 and a generous grating of black pepper; stir once more to thoroughly coat the pasta in the sauce.

Buon Appetito!
